Albrecht Friedrich Braun

Albrecht Braun

Bro Albrecht, showed a spirit of masonry that shone and was a guiding light to all brethren around him. He emphasised all that was good in a mason, he led by example, never moving away from the principles he held dear.


WBro Albrecht Friedrich Braun, became a mason on the 18th May 1994, he joined the Zum Hellleuchtenden Stern Lodge No.242 i.oCelle. He was then passed to the 2nd Degree on the 27th May 1995 and is normal with German lodges, is then allowed to visit other lodges. Bro Albrecht, thus visited Saxony Lodge to gain a seal in his masonic travelling document. On his first visit to Saxony, I had the pleasure of meeting him and I was astounded with his grasp of the English language, he really enjoyed the openness and relaxed atmosphere in the lodge, but he was really impressed with the ritual work. He admired the way the lodge learnt the ritual, the way it was communicated to the candidate and brethren, but most of all, the way the masonic principles were understood by the members of Saxony Lodge.

Albrecht was a virtual permanent visitor in the lodge and after his Raising that took place on the 28th April 1995; Bro Albrecht was put forward as a joining member. He was proposed by WBro Willi Rasche and seconded by WBro Roger Whitaker, Albrecht became a member of the lodge on the 24th October 1995.

Bro Albrecht took an active roll within the German lodge, firstly standing in as the orator then taking on the task permanently. His lectures and questions that were posed during his oration, were always well prepared and thought provoking, he gained an excellent reputation for his lectures. I personally felt that his lectures were that good, as he did not have a television at his home, so he had nothing else to do.

Albrecht took on the task of various lodge officers with considerable ease and his excellent ritual work earned him the upmost respect, the visitors and brethren of our lodge were in awe when he first did a flawless rendition of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board, he had not only learnt it but had taken time to study words and phrases that were uncommon in his own language.


I had the pleasure of taking Albrecht back to my hometown of Malmesbury, where we both saw WBro Keith Evans go into the chair of King Solomon. I took him on a guided tour of this historic town, taking in the Abbey and the Abbey Gardens where he came across the nudist gardeners. On our return we both enjoyed recounting the trip and Albrecht’s first visit to an English lodge.


On the 24th April 2004, WBro Albrecht Braun became Worshipful Master of Saxony Lodge No.842, an office he not only deserved but an office he served with great dignity and understanding, earning the respect of the members of the lodge and all those around him. His ritual work was outstanding and the need for a prompt was not needed, each degree working he took on was perfection and his fellow brethren of Zum Hellleuchtenden Stern were speechless with admiration. On handing over the chair and duties of Worshipful Master, Albrecht deservedly earned the AltMeister Jewel, an award recommended by the Past Masters of the lodge. On the 3rd November 2007, WBro Albrecht received Grand Lodge honors in the form of Past Grand Pursvivant; he accepted the rank, as he knew that the lodge had put him in for consideration by the Grand Master for some acclamation of his achievements.


Albrecht moved to Bremen in the later years, as he was left some property by family members, he became an active member of a German lodge in Bremen as well as visiting the American Canadian Lodge, he tried to visit Saxony Lodge as often as he could and we had the pleasure of his company at many an Installation Meeting. But one outstanding ritual he took in was at a Past Masters night and a Raising, he took on the majority of ritual work, that was executed with precision and recited with such meaning that all that were there will never forget his time back in the chair.


He had taken the chance for early retirement from his job of geologist at a leading oil firm. I was often amazed when we spent time together at his house in Nienhagen as his garden was full of rocks and stones, each one, with its own story. He patiently explained the significance to me, but I am afraid, all I saw were stones. His achievements as a geologist were renowned and he had earned an excellent reputation, even having a way of calculating mass and density was named after him. This was used on space missions, certainly a worthwhile legacy.


Brother Albrecht will be fondly remembered by all that knew him, for a brother who stood by his principles and a brother who had a better understanding of being and living as a mason as most. His wife Barbara and his two sons survive him.