VWBro Ted Jones † PJGW
21st February 1914 - 11th October 2009

W. Bro. Captain Edward (Ted) Albert JONES, PJGD
(1914 - 2009)

Bro Ted was born on the 21st February 1914 and was from a large family as was the way in the late 19th and early part of the 20th centuries. His early childhood was spent in Hackney, where his father was the Chief Fire officer.

Clearly Ted was a bright and able boy as he attended grammar school. He gave the impression of having been quite a 'lively lad'. I recall him saying that one of his teachers commented - "he was as likely to get into trouble as rain falling from the sky". He also enjoyed a very happy childhood within the comfort of a large and supportive family.

On leaving school Ted became an apprentice at Lagonda a legendary name in sports cars and enjoyed the experience of working on fast cars and taking the opportunity, whenever he could, of driving them. He often recalled how he would be seen loitering in the location of the boss when a volunteer was needed to test drive or deliver a customers' car. His fascination of the Lagonda mark remained with him throughout his life and many souvenirs of his attachment to the firm could be seen throughout his home.

As war threatened in Europe Ted and many of his friends joined the reservists. Many families having recent memories of the German threat during the First World War were anxious to defend their country. Ted would probably have had an added incentive as his oldest brother was killed at Paschendale in 1916.

Because of his mechanical skills Ted served in an artillery unit and latterly in the REME during WW2. Ted served in Normandy at the time of the allied landings in 1944 and on reflection would have been quite the 'old man' at 30! A German mortar that exploded close to him causing severe wounds cut his contribution at Normandy short.

His military service included postings in Germany and Palestine before his eventual retirement from the army at the rank of Captain.

Ted was initiated into the Warrant Officers' Lodge No 2346 (London) on the 16th February 1951. Although his army postings prevented regular attendance in the early years he did progress to become Worship Master in 1968. It would appear that Ted was rarely out of office having served as Secretary 1963 - 1965, Treasurer 1970 - 1995 and Chaplain since 1995. Ted also served as Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction from 1977 - 1979. He was active on a number of Lodge committees and a leading member of the Ladies Festival Committee for over thirty years. During recent years Bro Ted had attended all the Ladies Festivals arranged by the Lodge and was a great supporter of all social and fundraising functions.

It would be quite inaccurate to say that Ted was a good ritualist - he was a superb! He performed many ceremonies for the less able masters and was keen to assist whenever help was needed. Most members of the Warrant Officers' Lodge will remember with great admiration and affection the way in which Ted would deliver the address to the Brethren at Installation meetings and had he have been here today would have delivered that address in the same immaculate way. What was even more impressive was that he had delivered the address to the brethren of the Connaught Army and Navy Lodge, of which he was a member, just a few days earlier, but to a completely different ritual working! His knowledge and understanding of Masonic rules and procedures was comprehensive and it was a brave man indeed who stepped forward to challenge his expertise in this area.

In February 2001 Bro Ted was presented with a certificate from Grand Lodge, signed by the then Assistant Grand Master Lord Northampton, to mark fifty years of service to freemasonry. The certificate was presented to Bro Ted by the Chairman of the then Wharton Group W. Bro. Charles R. Grace; this certificate was proudly displayed in Ted's living room. I know he was looking forward to completing sixty years service, but sadly that was not to be.

Bro Ted was a good friend to all the brethren and had a great affection for this his mother lodge and I know without even taking the trouble to research facts that he rarely missed a meeting of this Lodge over fifty eight years of loyal and dedicated membership.

As his experience demonstrated Bro Ted was a veteran of freemasonry being a member of other lodges, chapters and side orders. He was a founder of Saxony Lodge No 842 of the Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany and became the Worshipful Master of Saxony in April 1958. I had the pleasure of accompanying him with my wife Frances when the Lodge celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007. On his return to Germany in 2008, to mark the 50th anniversary of his mastership of Saxony Lodge, he was promoted to the rank of Past Junior Grand Warden (VW Bro) by the Grand Master MW. Bro. F.T. Colbran.

For his services to freemasonry in England Bro Ted was appointed to Grand Rank in 1988 to the active office of Assistant Grand Sword Bearer and received promotion to Past Junior Grand Deacon in 1998.

Bro Ted passed to the Grand Lodge above on Sunday 11th October 2009 and will be remembered with great affection by all that knew, him not least the brethren of the Warrant Officers' Lodge, his mother Lodge, and Saxony Lodge, of which he was a founding member.